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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School


In History, we aim to foster our children's curiosity about the people, places, and events of the past. We achieve this by immersing the children in historical inquiry, guiding them through the evidence and narrative of different periods. It is crucial that we provide frequent opportunities for the children to develop themselves as historians. This is accomplished through the use of 'historical lenses' or concepts, including continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity and difference, and significance. Furthermore, evidence-focused discovery is at the core of our curriculum. We expose the children to primary sources left behind by the past and help them understand how subsequent arguments and interpretations of history have been constructed. Both secondary and primary sources aid the children in comprehending how evidence is rigorously used to make historical claims. Fundamentally, the children can draw on their unit learning to create structured accounts or arguments in response to the unit's historical inquiry question.


We embed the themes of Cultural Development, Technology and Science, Religion, Co-operation and Conflict, Power, and Individuals in History in each unit of learning. This allows the children to gain an understanding of progress and change over time and to confidently discuss chronology as they make comparisons between eras. Recognizing the same themes from different times and places prompts and equips them to continuously revisit previous learning. The curriculum strives to develop children's understanding of these concepts along with other substantive concepts such as trade, monarchy, and empire.


Our History curriculum aims to equip our children with both breadth and depth of knowledge and the skills required to be successful historians. In Reception, we begin to develop the concept of 'the past' and the role of people in the community, two fundamental elements in history. Building on this foundation, Key Stage 1 learning develops their understanding of history as the study of peoples and cultures of the past. This is achieved through units such as 'The Great Fire of London,' 'Changes in my Village,' and 'Explorer: Ibn Battutua.' Throughout, they are encouraged to use key historical vocabulary and ask historical questions. During Key Stage 2, we build on their chronological knowledge through a range of teaching, covering prehistory, ancient history, and modern history. The curriculum is designed to ensure regular opportunities to make links and draw on prior learning, providing the children with a clear chronological view. In KS2, children explore topics such as Ancient Egypt, Fashion in Society, and The Windrush Empire.


Finally, what underpins our curriculum is the desire to present an open and unbiased view of the past, breaking stereotypes, and endeavoring to shine a light on overshadowed people and histories. This is to develop the children into open-minded, well-rounded historians with a longing to unearth the past.
