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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Uniform Information

School Wear

Our official school wear is as follows:


Skirts/culottes (knee length)Charcoal grey/black or navy blue.
TrousersCharcoal grey/black or navy blue. (Not jeans or tight fitting trousers)
Jogging bottoms (plain)Charcoal grey/black or navy blue.
Polo shirts Pale blue or white.

Royal blue.

(The branded hooded tops are for PE lessons only.)

Summer shorts  Navy, grey or black.
Summer dresses  Blue gingham or stripes.

Black flat shoes or boots. (Preferably not trainers, but black trainers are acceptable if necessary).
Summer sandals (without heels or with very low heels).
No high heels, backless footwear or heavy boots.

SocksWhite/grey/black socks or tights.


All clothes should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.


In addition the children require:

PE Kit:

T-shirt (in house colour) 

Beech – yellow

Cedar – red
Maple – green
Willow – blue

ShortsBlack or navy shorts, fitting closely enough to be safe.
TrainersWhite or black.
Track suits, sweatshirts or jogging bottoms

Advisable for outdoor activities in the colder months.

A branded hooded top is available for PE lessons only. 

A one-piece swimming costume/swimming trunks and a towel are needed when the pool is in use.

Please ensure all PE kit is named.


Jewellery, make up or nail varnish may not be worn in school. The only exceptions are watches and studs for pierced ears, which must be removed for all PE lessons.


Long hair must be tied back for PE lessons.


Any hair accessories must be plain, simple and in the school colour.


An overall with sleeves or an old shirt with elasticated cuffs.


Second Hand Uniform

Our PTA collect, organise and sell second hand uniform which is available for all parents/carers to purchase. We have regular sales of second hand uniform, usually after school and at some school events at which they ask for donations for any items of the clothing available.


Parents/carers can contact the School Office if they need some uniform and we support all families with ensuring this is available when needed without cost. 


If you have any uniform that your child has grown out of, the PTA accept donations of clothing that is clean and in good condition. 

