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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

School Values

At Histon and Impington Brook Primary School we aim to prepare every child for their future. We do this by providing a broad and balanced education that offers challenge in a safe and stimulating environment. This involves developing every child’s personal, social, academic and community life. We aim to:



  • value and share all children’s efforts and achievements to develop each child’s self- confidence and their self-esteem;
  • ensure children appreciate, care for and explore the environment around us as well as having an awareness of the changing world;
  • promote health related activities to enhance the development of every individual’s physical and emotional wellbeing.


  • promote a happy, welcoming, friendly, inclusive and purposeful atmosphere where children and adults are respected, supported and listened to;
  • ensure equality of opportunity for every child and adult;
  • develop an understanding of and respect for religious beliefs and moral values of other people and cultures as well as their own, appreciating the diversity of the world around us;
  • help our children be kind, polite, honest and trustworthy and to become caring, responsible members of the school, the wider community and a positive global citizen.



  • foster high standards of achievement and encourage all children to work hard and to strive for excellence;
  • provide an engaging curriculum which helps each child to be flexible in their approach to learning, open minded and innovative in their thinking and keen to investigate.



  • be welcoming and accessible to parents/ carers;
  • encourage partnerships and involvement with parents/carers, school advisors and the community and value their contributions to the life of the school;
  • encourage children to take part in the range of extra-curricular activities provided.



Our school values underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children as confident, happy citizens.
