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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Remote Learning

For children learning at home, we are using Microsoft Teams as the digital platform to access the learning and the resources needed. If you have any problems accessing your ‘Teams’ account, please email the School Office and we will help you.

Each day there is a mixture of recorded video lessons and independent learning tasks that are uploaded to your child’s Teams page. The carefully structured video lessons guide the children through their learning and provide you with flexibility as they can be watched at a convenient time and re-watched as often as needed to support the children with their learning.

Children are expected to ‘turn in’ their work and upload some pieces of learning as directed by their teachers. Staff will respond to key pieces of work.

Our remote learning offer is there to access in a way that suits your family and your situation which we understand will be different for everyone.

Information about HIBPS Remote Learning using MS Teams

CPET Remote Learning - curriculum learning ideas and links
