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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School


Welcome to Histon and Impington Brook Primary School.



Histon and Impington Brook Primary School is a busy and vibrant place where we encourage children to flourish across the curriculum and beyond in a range of extra-curricular provision. We have excellent facilities with positive learning spaces both indoors and outdoors. Our expectations are high and we are proud of all that our children achieve. Staff are very committed to providing the best for the children. 


We are a member of Meridian Trust, a local multi academy trust incorporating primary, secondary, special and sixth forms schools. The primary schools work collaboratively - we share training, professional development and staff expertise to develop the best possible outcomes for children. In particular, we work very closely with Histon and Impington Park Primary School to ensure a consistent approach for all children and families in our community.


We welcome the support of parents/carers via PTA, School Advisors or Parent/Carer Helpers. We look forward to working with you and your child. Prospective parents/carers can book a visit to our school by contacting the School Office.


We hope you find our website informative and that it answers questions you have about the school.  We aim to update it as regularly as possible with the latest news, letters and details of things happening.


Thank you for your interest in our school.
