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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Meridian Arts Festival

    Wed 03 Jul 2024 Mrs Norman

    On Wednesday, July 3rd, the Year 5/6 Dance Club was honoured to represent our school at the Meridian Arts Festival, held at Swavesey Village College. This esteemed event celebrates the musical, dance, and vocal accomplishments of schools across our trust.


    The day was extensive, with rehearsals commencing at 9:30 AM and concluding at 8:30 PM. It was a remarkable experience witnessing numerous schools unite to celebrate the Arts. Our dancers performed magnificently and conducted themselves with professionalism, truly representing our school with distinction.

    We are immensely proud of all our dancers. This achievement would not have been possible without the support of our dedicated parent volunteers who generously gave their time on the day.


    A huge thank you to Mrs Norman for preparing the children for this event, choreographing such wonderful dances and organising the day so our children had such a unique opportunity. 

  • Dance Show

    Mon 17 Jun 2024 Jeanette Norman

    On Monday 17th June 2024, our wonderful dancers from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 treated the school to a Dance Show.  It was a beautiful day so we congregated on the MUGA to enjoy five dances of all different genres.  Well done to all the children who participated and thank you to the rest of the children for being such a great audience.  A huge thank you to Mrs Norman for choreographing and organising the event.  


  • Wilf Agility Training

    Thu 13 Jun 2024 Shona Inman

    Over the last few weeks, Wilf has been learning some agility routines with one of our pupils.  He is loving the training (and loving the treat rewards) and has mastered the tunnel, zig-zag poles, walking along the bench, jumping through a hoop and the hurdles.  Well done Wilf and his amazing trainer!


    For your information, Wilf will be entering the Cottenham Fen Edge Festival Dog Show on Saturday 22nd June and he would love some HIBPS support if anyone would like to come along to The Green to cheer him on.  See image for details. 

  • Quadkids Athletics Competition

    Thu 06 Jun 2024 Shona Inman

    On Thursday 6th June 2024, a group of Year 6 student went to Wilberforce Road Athletics competition.  The event consisted of each child taking part in four events: 75 metre sprint, 600 metre run, long jump and vortex throw.  


    The children were in groups and rotated around the events with their finishing places and distances converting into points.  These points were added together to determine where the school finished overall.  Out of the 15 schools we finished in 6th place.  


    Well done to all the children who took part and a particular well done to Derek McKeller as he got the most points out of all the boys at the event.  A brilliant performance.  


    It was a lovely afternoon to spend with children who gave their all and were positive and encouraging to their team mates and children from the other schools as well.  


    Thank you also to the parents/grandparents who transported the children to and from the event and who stayed to support.  

  • HIBPS Y5/6 Cricket Dynamos Schools Competition Report

    Tue 04 Jun 2024 Becca Thompson

    On Tuesday, 4th June, two teams from HIBPS participated in the Cricket Dynamos Schools Competition held at Caldecote. The event was a fantastic showcase of talent and teamwork, with both of our teams demonstrating exceptional skills and sportspersonship throughout the day.

    During the morning games, our teams were placed in two separate leagues. Both teams performed admirably and secured 2nd place in their respective leagues. The competition was fierce, but our players showcased their dedication on the field.

    In the afternoon, the teams were regrouped and placed together in a new group along with the teams that had finished 1st in the morning leagues. The level of competition heightened, and every player rose to the challenge, playing incredibly well. By the end of the afternoon session, our teams finished 3rd and 4th overall.

    The day was filled with memorable moments, and the players' efforts were commendable. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who came out to support us. Your encouragement made a significant difference. A special mention goes to Mrs. Sore, who coached one of our teams with great dedication.

    Overall, it was a fantastic day for HIBPS cricket, and we are proud of all the children for their hard work and team work. Congratulations to everyone involved!

  • Priory Park Cross Country Relay Event

    Thu 23 May 2024 Shona Inman

    On Thursday 23rd May, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 children went to Priory Park to take part in a cross-country relay event.  The event consisted of a Year 6 race and a separate Year 5 race.  There were four children in each team and they each had to run 1200m around the park and then hand the baton on to the next runner.  There were over 55 teams entered into each race so there were a lot of children at the event making the atmosphere electric. 


    Our Year 5 teams were first to run and they all ran brilliantly.  The children couldn’t have given any more and ran their hearts out.  One of our teams finished fourth overall with a time of 16 minutes and 57 seconds.  This team finished in a sprint for the line against The Park with The Park nudging ahead but the times were exactly the same. It was very exciting! The other team finished 10th with a time of 17 minutes and 39 seconds so both teams were very close together with not a lot between them. 


    Year 6 ran next and again the effort they put into their run was incredible.  They were so determined right to the finish line.  One of our teams finished 5th with a time of 16 minutes and 5 seconds with the other team finishing 11th with a time of 16 minutes and 27 seconds.  It was a joy to watch their determination and resilience as they ran the course. 


    All the runners were excellent and, what was most impressive, was their support for each other with many of the children running the route alongside their team mates to encourage them.  It was such a great event and lovey to be there alongside The Park too.  Wilf certainly enjoyed being the team mascot. 

    Thank you to all the children for representing the school brilliantly and thank you to all the parents/carers who helped transport and support the children.


    Mrs Inman

  • Olympic Dance Winners 2024

    Wed 01 May 2024 Jeanette Norman

    Recently our wonderful Dance Club entered an Olympic Diversity Dance Competition organised by the South Cambs School Sports Partnership.  So many fantastic entries were received with a wide range of creative ideas linking to the theme of Olympic Diversity. With so many entries it made it a tough job for the judges to choose the winning dance but the winner was decided, and it was Histon and Impington Brook Primary School.  The dance is brilliant, and it is wonderful to see the talent and enthusiasm our children have.  Well done to all involved and a huge thank you to Mrs Norman for supporting the children in creating such a wonderful piece.  


  • Netball Tournament Plate Finals

    Mon 29 Apr 2024 Mrs Inman

    On Monday 29th April, a group of Year 6 pupils attended the Netball Plate finals at Impington Village College.  The team had qualified for this tournament by playing extremely well in the local schools rounds so it was an achievement to even get this far.

    The team were in a pool of four schools to start with and they won all their games to go through to the second part of the tournament to play all the other pool winners. 

    The games were much harder in the second part of the tournament but the team kept their composure and continued to pass, defend and shoot brilliantly.  The team were a joy to watch as they worked so well together and encouraged each other throughout.  Like the initial round, the team won all their games which meant they won the whole tournament.  What an achievement!

    Thank you to all the children for their determination, attitude and perseverance.  It was a pleasure to watch.

    Mrs Inman

  • Netball Shield Finals

    Thu 25 Apr 2024 Mrs Inman

    On Thursday 18th April 2024, a group of year 6 children attended the netball finals at Northstowe Secondary College.  The children had previously played in two rounds of smaller tournaments to qualify so had done exceptionally well to get this far. 

    The tournament consisted of 15 schools and the standard of netball from all the schools was very high.  Initially the schools were split into 4 pool and our team won all their games in their pool so went through to play all the other winners. 

    The other winners included Swavesey, Willingham and Barton.  These games were very competitive but Histon shone through and won the first two games convincingly.  The final game was against Swavesey and the winner of this game would be champions of the whole tournament.  The game was so close and it was literally goal for goal.  During the last minute Swavesey scored to make the score 3-2 and Histon just ran out of time to equalise.  It was such a great game to watch and so exciting.  Well done to Swavesey for a great fight to the end.  It meant that we finished second in the tournament which is a brilliant achievement. 

    The Histon team were fantastic and such a delight to coach.  They fought for every ball and their effort did not dwindle right to the end.  Well done to all the players and thank you to the parents/carers for transporting the children to and from the tournament. 

    Mrs Inman

  • Tag Rugby Competition

    Thu 21 Mar 2024 Shona Inman

    On Thursday 21st March 2024, a group of Year 6 children went to Great Shelford Rugby Club to participate in a tag rugby tournament against 18 other schools.  The tournament was split into a Cup tournament and a Plate tournament and we entered a team into both of these. 


    In the Plate tournament our team were fantastic.  What an enthusiastic, positive group of children.  Their energy never faltered and the way they played together and supported each other was lovely.  It was a pleasure to watch them improve and progress as the games went on.  They won one of their games, drew one and lost two which meant they went through to play for 5th and 6th place.  In the playoff they won significantly so came 5th overall.  


    In the Cup competition, our team won all their games but one.  This meant they finished joint top of their group so it had to be decided on try difference as to who went through to the final.  Unfortunately, The Vine had two more tries than us so we went through to play for 3rd and 4th place.  In the playoff the team were fantastic and won so came 3rd overall.  Again, the team were so passionate and positive, and their skill was a joy to watch.


    Well done to all the children who took part, you really were a credit to the school and I thoroughly enjoyed taking you to the event.  A huge thank you to Miss Kennick, who is one of our trainee teachers, who came to coach the children.  She plays rugby so was able to give the teams helpful tips.  Thank you to all the parents/carers who transport the children to and from the event.  And thank you to Wilf who came as the school mascot for the afternoon.
