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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Overview of Learning

Our Curriculum

We aim to provide a broad and balanced education for the children through the teaching of the curriculum. Statutory requirements and the needs of individuals are taken into account. The curriculum is taught in a variety of ways, reflecting the needs of different curriculum areas and of the children themselves at their different stages of development.


We aim to:

  • ensure that all children have the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge that create active, interested and lifelong learners.
  • provide a knowledge-rich curriculum for our children.
  • provide a variety of exciting, flexible, enjoyable and engaging learning experiences for all children whilst fully implementing the National Curriculum.
  • enable depth of coverage and effective sequencing in order to build progression of skills.
  • ensure that all children make at least good progress.
  • actively seek and plan for creative links between subjects to further understanding.
  • plan for opportunities to write for real and experienced purposes across the curriculum.

Curriculum Overview for Reception 2024/2025

Curriculum Overview for Year 1 and 2 (Refer to Cycle A 2024/25)

Curriculum Overview Year 3 and 4 (Refer to Cycle A 2024/25)

Curriculum Overview Year 5 and 6 (Refer to Cycle A 2024/25)

Curriculum Overview for Reception

Curriculum Overview for Year 1 and 2 (Refer to Cycle B 23-24)

Curriculum Overview for Year 3 and 4 (Refer to Cycle B 23-24)

Curriculum Overview Year 5 and 6 2022-23 (Cycle A)

In academic year 2024 - 2025, we are currently following Cycle A.

These curriculum overviews are constantly being reviewed and amended. 


Please get in touch with your child's class teacher if you have any queries or questions about the curriculum.

For more information about our curriculum, please email Becca Thompson, Assistant Headteacher and Curriculum Lead, via the school office:
