We aim for all our children to understand the power and beauty of mathematics and that it is central to the real world in which we live. We expect our children to leave the school as efficient, independent and enthusiastic mathematicians who are willing to take risks and value mistakes than they make when learning.
Our mathematics teaching is delivered through a daily maths lesson to implement the requirements of the National Curriculum. We aim for the children to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, be able to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their learning. Children's mathematical learning is ongoing and extends beyond the parameters of the lessons.
The school follows the NCETM's Mastering Number in Reception and the Meridian Primary Scheme of Work in Years 1-6. This scheme has been collaboratively created by staff from across our primary schools within the Trust - they have been at the heart of its creation and continue to be central to its ongoing development. Our maths lessons take children on a journey of small steps and use concrete and pictorial representations to support children's understanding. At the heart of Maths teaching and learning at our school is the fundamental belief that all children can make progress and achieve in this subject. The 'Five Big Ideas' of Teaching for Mastery from the NCETM Five Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery NCETM are the underlying principles which we use to teach Maths. Our ongoing involvement with our local Maths Hub ensures that our practice is evidence based and continuously evolving.
The Five Big Ideas of Teaching for Mastery

Calculation Policies
Times Tables
How to help your child learn times table facts