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Contact Us

Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Opening Times

The School Day


Histon and Impington Brook Primary School welcomes children into the playground at 8:35am when the school gates open.  The gate then closes at 8:45am when the register is taken. Please do ensure that your child is at school on time as there are valuable learning opportunities set for before and during register time. If your child is late, please come to the front office where they will be signed in. Please remember that lateness is classed as an absence and will affect your child's attendance.  The School Office will call if your child is absent without a reason.


The School Office is usually staffed between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

8:35amSchool gate opens - members of staff are on duty.
8:45amThe children go into classrooms for morning work and registration.
8:55am-10:55amLessons 1 and 2
10:55am-11:10amMorning Break
11:10am-12:10pmLesson 3
1:10pm-1:15pmReturn to classes for registration
1:15pm-3:15pmLessons 4 and 5
3:10pmThe school gates are opened for parents/carers to wait for their children.
3:15pmEnd of the school day

