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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Cross Country event at Wimpole Nov 2023

It was a lovely sunny, albeit frosty, morning at Wimpole for the South Cambs School Sport Partnerships annual Big Schools Cross Country competition on Wednesday 29th November. Over a thousand children from primary schools across the district enjoyed the event which has now become a highlight of the sporting calendar.


The children who took part were competing for individual honours and team pride as they raced the 1-mile course and they were cheered on and encouraged by their teammates.


There were 8 races on the day with a separate boys and girls race for years 3, 4, 5 & 6 with the first three finishers in each race receiving a medal and certificate.


Our children all performed brilliantly on the day. Derek McKellar came in second in the Year 6 boys race and Eira Eagling came first in the Year 3 girls race.  We are extremely pleased to say that Year 5/6 won the event overall against all of the schools which is a fantastic achievement. A big thank you to all the staff and parents/carers who helped transport, cheer on and encourage everyone on the day.
