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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Cross Country Event at Wimpole

Big Schools’ Cross-Country at Wimpole Hall 30th November 2022


As part of our ongoing relationship with South Cambs School Sports Partnership, on Wednesday, we fielded a 48-strong team of cross-country runners from Year 3 to Year 6. All of the children performed extremely well, running the distance of 1.6km to the very best of their abilities, against around 120 fellow competitors in each race. Their determination and enthusiasm were intoxicating and made all the adults present - teaching staff and parents - incredibly proud of their resilience and exemplary sporting ethics. An example of this was the ‘Spirit of the Games’ award for determination, which was presented to Connie in Year 3. Initially, she was leading her race but then took a wrong turn, however, she was undeterred and still managed to secure a 15th spot out of the 120 runners she was competing alongside.


Following on from the successes of last year, Mia won the Year 6 girls’ race with Lucy and Carys coming in 2nd and 4th place respectively along with Millie making it into the top ten, in 8th place. In addition, James, in the Year 6 boys’ event, also took the gold spot with Noah following in 7th and Benji who finished in 10th. Eban, in the Year 5 boys’ race, also took the gold medal with Derek coming in 2nd and closely followed by William in 4th. Over in the Year 5 girls’ contest, Amelie seized the bronze medal. Whilst in the Year 3 girls’ event, the excitement continued as Anna placed in silver medal position, with Ella in 6th and Catherine in 8th place. The Year 4 girls’ team presented themselves strongly as four of the team of six placed in the top ten as Naomi took the bronze with Molly following close by in 4th, Jemima in 5th and Annabel who finished in 7th. For the boys in Year 4, Zac ran well to place 8th with Michael just outside the top ten in 11th spot.


A huge thank you goes to Mr Fallon for preparing the children, to Mrs Thompson, who managed the ever-changing event organisation, to Mr Newman for his ongoing support, the teachers at the Brook Primary who actively get the children running throughout the week during their Golden Five breaks and all the parents who supported their children to prepare, cheered them on, transported them to the event and who even helped to warm and stretch them!


Look out for photos of the event in the local Cambridge press.


Further cross-country opportunities for our children to take part in as we head into 2023, will be announced shortly.


Mrs Beal P.E. Subject Leader
