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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Fireworks spectacular!

A huge thank you is owed to the Histon and Impington Firework committee for the brilliant event that they organised on Saturday 5th November for Bonfire Night. After 3 years without a display it was so lovely to see so many familiar faces from the Brook School, the Park School and IVC having such a brilliant time.

The fireworks were spectacular and it was a joy to see so many happy children and parents/carers there. Thank you to Dan and his team.

Another huge thank you is owed to those parents/carers from the Brook School who helped to either make or sell refreshments on the evening or to set up or clear up before and after the event.

As you will be aware profits from the event are shared between the school and the support of parents/carers at these events is hugely appreciated and show what an amazing community Histon and Impington is!
