New Age Kurling Event
On Wednesday 25th January, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 children travelled to Bassingbourn Village College to take part in a New Age Kurling competition.
The event ran throughout the afternoon with the children participating in four different games.
The first was ‘Traditional Kurling’ where you had to get your stones as close to the centre of the target as you could. The second was ‘Skittles’ where you had to knock over as many skittles as possible from different distances away. The third was called ‘Through the Gate’ and this involved the children having to push their stones through the gap which got smaller as the game progressed. The last was ‘Target’ where children had to aim at a stone and hit it out of the centre of the target.
The children worked in two teams of four and were so encouraging and supportive of each other which was lovely to see. The children were excellent at the games and improved so much as the afternoon progressed.
Well done to all the children who took part.
Mrs Inman