Penathlon Event Success
On Wednesday 22nd January 2025, a group of children travelled to Comberton Village College to participate in a Penathlon schools competition. The children took part in seven different events: bowling, target throw, dribbling, basketball throwing, curling, botcha and bean bag target. The children earnt points for each event depending on their accuracy and these were collated at the end to decide who was position where. HIBPS came second overall which is a fantastic achievement. The children were delighted - as you can see from their faces in the photographs.
The element of the afternoon which most impressed Mrs Inman and Miss Hall was the children's teamwork, positivity and encouragement towards each other. It was lovely to see them cheering each other on and celebrating successes together.
Well done to all the children who took part and thank you to the parents for helping transport the children to and from the event.