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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

School Trip to the Art’s Theatre Sunday 1st December

On Sunday, I had the pleasure of taking 24 Year 5/6 Dance Club members to see Cinderella at the Arts Theatre in Cambridge. One of our talented dancers, Connie, had successfully auditioned to be part of the production. The moment she stepped onto the stage, our entire school erupted in cheers, supporting her through every scene. Her performance was flawless and full of confidence, and we couldn’t be prouder of her. Connie, we are all excited to see what you will achieve in the future!


To our delight, Cinders even gave a special shout-out to the HIBP dancers in the audience, calling us VIPs, which led to an enthusiastic cheer from everyone.

It was such a joy to spend the afternoon with such a polite and well-behaved group of children. This trip wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing parent helpers who joined us — you truly were my dream team. A huge thank you to all the parents who supported this exciting theatre outing!


Mrs Norman
