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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Year 1 Grandparents' Tea Party

On Monday 28th November as part of their 'Changes in Living Memory' learning Year 1 children invited grandparents and other older members of our community in to support them with their learning. The learning covered aspects such as communication, transport, fashion, music, technology and toys. We asked our visitors to bring in artefacts, photographs and games that they may have had when they were children. 
Not all children were able to have a grandparent with them but all the children were teamed up with a 'grandparent for the afternoon'. 

We all had the most amazing afternoon. A huge thank you to all our visitors who brought in toys from their childhood(some of these were over 60 years old), games they played with when they were young and photos and memorabilia from their childhood.

The children prepared a range of excellent historical questions to ask.

One of the highlights was having the opportunity to compare Mr Sharp's old Morris Minor with Mr Watson's electrical Beetle.


An enormous thank you to all our visitors for sharing their amazing memories with us. A fantastic afternoon and learning experience were shared by everyone!
