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Histon and Impington

Brook Primary School

Year 5 and Year 6 Stibbington Education Centre linked to World War Two

Year 5 and Year 6 Stibbington Trip linked to World War Two

In September 2022, Year 5 and Year 6 visited Stibbington Education Centre to experience life as an evacuee for the day.  The children looked fantastic in their outfits and they played the role of the evacuee they were allocated brilliantly.  The day started at the Wansford Railway Station where the children were met by the Billeting Officers who explained what the evacuees would have gone through to the point of arriving at the station.  We then walked across the fields to Stibbington Village where we stopped along the way to learn more about life as an evacuee in 1940.  The Billeting Officer pointed out houses where the children would have stayed when they were evacuated to Stibbington before arriving at the Stibbington Centre.  Here, the children experienced a Victorian classroom, an air raid siren and air raid shelter and played with Victorian toys - which seemed to be a highlight of the day for many.  In addition to this, the children made identity cards and looked at posters to learn more about the war. 

The children enjoyed their enrichment experience and well done to all the children for their enthusiasm. 

